Tuesday, September 13, 2005

It's a small world after all

Well... what is the world coming to.

I leave the solar system for a couple of weeks and there's a major hoo-ha.

I went to see my shows in London shortly after my last message (Guys and dolls - ab fab) then got called away for a while and when I get back. The Cricketing world is celebrating the men in white winning the ashes.

If anyone can remember as far back as the mid 1980's and a certain Mr Botham, you'll understand how important it was to get back the small wooden urn which contains 19th century cricket. Thanks to Freddie K.P. and the rest English Cricket can rest easy for a while, although now we have to look to Sky for cricket satisfaction.

We will miss Channel Four and hopefully we can one day return to them for a dose of cricket when the powers that be realise that hardly anyone watches Sky Sports these days

We live in hope

I'm outta here!

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Trip the light fantastic

Hi all.

Sorry that I haven't been on line for a while but have been busy saving the world.... Still!

Haven't the last few weeks been a whirlwind since that awful day in July. It's nice to know we're being looked after so well by the best security forces in the world. The raid in London stands out significantly and the sight of the failed bombers stripped naked was certainly something to see. I'm pretty certain that the men from Hereford had something to do with this. Applause all over to all who are looking after our people.

I'm off to the Capital myself on Saturday to See Guys and Dolls with Ewan (Obi Wan) McGregor and am looking forward to the journey. Currently my trip has fallen foul of the attacks and I have to get off the tube at Paddington and take the bus to Russell Square. I will do this with my head held high. I'm not nervous about the journey and will relish every square mile.

I have been watching the plight about poor Kirsty Howard. It's so sad that she is currently on life support I hope she is comfortable and my heart goes out to her parents She has been a marvelous example of courage and fighting spirit and I'm sure that the thoughts of all are with her and her family at this time.

Would somebody please tell me what is the point of Big Brother. Just a bunch of very sad people who want to show themselves off to the world. So sorry, but the only good thing to come out of that very sad idea is Davina McCall. I have a great idea for the next one how's about building the house in the middle of Rockall Hold it in the middle of winter and tell the housemates that in order to win they have to escape and make it back to dry land with no aid (boats planes that sort of thing) I just might make the programme watchable.

Well have to go got a date with boredom

Up, up and (Snore) ZZZZZZ!!!!!!

see ya soon

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Sam, pick up tha' musket

Hey everybody I'm back

Its been a strange two weeks since I last put keyboard to motherboard but here we go again.

Life is not an either or. If it was I'd be a millionaire by now I'm still in the same old crappy job and I'm moving backwards.

But one good thing did happen yesterday.

My dad finally got his army service medal (Only took 53 years to sort it out - must be a record). He was extra chuffed and I was too... for him he served his country in the sudan and egypt and it took several successive governments all this time to bleedin honour him as it did the other forgottong soldiers. I think it shows just how superficial these political types really are.

Only four weeks to football I hold on to hope.

Just a short one today.

Up, Up and Away Friends

Friday, July 08, 2005

To the Innocents

Hello folks of world I come again to talk from my fortress of Solitude

There I was all ready to give three cheers for our successful Olympic Bid. Tell you how much I was looking forward to watching a British landslide at the games and then.....

7/7 happened...

It will forever flumoux me how these ( can one call them people) morons can destroy innocent lives in the name of their god (isn't their god also our god remember Issac and Ishmael) without any respect for their fellow man, they indiscriminately wipe out people who have done nothing but live their lives privately going about their own business.

But at 8.51 am yesterday all that changed and for many life would never be the same.

To these "heroes" (please use this word sarcastically) if you want to blow yourselves up then please do it in your own homes and to your own families. Please leave ours alone... We just want to be left in peace. Oh and by the way I'm sure that whoever organised this will have noticed that life in London will go on If I were you I'd go home to your own country. If they catch you, you may just wish that you were dead!

To the families of those who died and were injured my deepest sympathies. It was a needless thing that happened at the hands of maniacs who have no right to call themselves religious people these are godless people who know no shame.

I pray that you will find peace and understanding.

To the Police and Fire and Ambulance services and to the Doctors and Nurses and Paramedics who helped those in distress my profound admiration and thanks you do not earn enough for the jobs you do. My praise too to the members of the public who put themselves at risk without a second thought to help

To those Muslims who celebrate their faith as it should be celebrated I pray that Allah give you guidance to reject those who would murder in your gods name.

And to all who have faith in their god, I pray that one day peace for all will come and tolerance may shine through.

I have nothing more to say tonight.

Goodnight and god bless to all

Friday, July 01, 2005

Just another week in $£!()$$%$

Greetings mortals

Have just flown in from nowhere in particular and as usual nothing changes.

The new Footie season is just weeks away and the riot season has already started f you were at Old Trafford. I can understand the anger the United fans feel towards the man who has stolen their company from under there very noses, but you really can't go and blockade the ground. You know that the police will do exactly what they did a couple of nights ago and Glaser and his sons will still own total control of the club.

We need tighter controls on who owns ENGLISH Football Clubs, and people like Glaser and even Mr Abramavich should be told to reduce their stake in the clubs to give the people a chance to be involved. Probably never gonna happen though and Glaser will walk in and systematically change united. Whether for the good or bad we will see.

There are just a few hours left until Live 8 and the question I ponder is -- will the many hours of great music succeed in softening the hearts of the G8 panel, will all world debt be wiped out and what good will that do when we have countries whose leaders still go round destroying those who don't agree with them and what about that new third world country - ENGLAND! As Teflon Tony strives to get us to agree to a European Constitution... Yeah, like that's gonna happen - we probably need more help than some of those countries whose debt will be wiped if Sir Bob and his all-star band have their way.

We wait with Bated Breath.

More soon

Up, Up and (Smack!) Ouch

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

When In Doubt Start again

Well it's time to start afresh so here goes!

June 28th (round midnight or just after)

If life was just a bowl of lasange (as 10cc once said) I think that I have been eaten.

As I metphorically rise above the inanity of the small speck of existence that is my life, I wonder why I put up with the same crap day after day after day? But I have yet to find an answer to this question so I guess I have to go on till I find a better solution.

It's been a strange weekend as far as once again we are without a brave warrior at Wimbledon, (maybe we should send the wombles in, they might stand a better chance) There are still several weeks left to a Football Season where the outcome will probably be decided within 90 minutes of the first whistle and we wait with baited breath to see if our Cricket and Rugby Union teams can withstand the onslaught that usually happens when one day internationals or friendlies become TEST MATCHES!!!

On a sadder note, Poor Richard Whitely has now gone to the great countdown game in the sky! Sad that is. now the question that hangs in the air is.... WIll Countdown continue or will it end and send Carol into anonymity and retirement, quicker than you can say "Countdown Cunundrum".

Now we head into a week and a future devoid of 24 (The withdrawl symptons are already starting to hit me (I keep looking at the clock and Wishing something would happen to me, but it doesn't) Jack Bauer and I different worlds... Daft, isn't it....

Just a quick one to those thinking of starting your own blog remember your username. cos you just might find yourself on the outside looking in!

Till next time friends

Up Up and Away

Note: any and all similarities between me and a caped super hero are co-incidental